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Rowena Simmons - keen watersports woman Rowena has been training with us for a few years and despite a few setbacks is now ready and raring to go! Read on....

When did you start competing in triathlon and what races have you already done?

I started in 2018 with Haverfordwest Go Tri which was over rather quickly, followed by Ironman 70.3 Florida (2019) and The Wales Triathlon (2019). Shocked myself and came 5th there so thought I would carry on. I've had a few years off racing however, though remained on-plan with Pete to keep myself ticking over. I completed the full swim/bike and half run in this year's LCW (2023) which went better than expected.

Have you done IMW before?

No. I trained for IM Wales before (2019) but got injured two weeks out so could not compete. Unfinished business…

Why did you enter such an iconic race?

It feels as though it is a tick-box race if you live in Pembrokeshire and take part in triathlon, although I am certainly not a long-distance person, middle-distance is my preference

What are you looking forward to on race day/weekend?

The run. Every race I do, the run always seems like the easiest part as you know it’s the last part of the race, and I enjoy picking other athletes off on the course. It’s easier to gauge where you are in the field than when you are on the bike.

Are you tempted to do it again?

Never say never, but probably not Wales, somewhere warm.

How do you feel as a woman competing amongst all those men?

Absolutely fine, in fact, I quite enjoy male competition in all sports, it keeps things exciting!

Do you have any motivational songs or quotes?

No, although I do have a habit of singing while running when training. The joys of low-end work!

Fun Fact about you

I am due to row across the Atlantic Ocean in January 2025.

How have you found working with Peter and would you recommend him?

I have been with Pete since 2018 and he is great. He understands that life can sometimes get in the way of training plans, although I know he would love me to swim more often than I do.! Training camps are great, and it’s clear that Pete loves Lanza and an opportunity to talk all things tri for a full week with like-minded individuals. It is also evident when Pete gets excited about athlete progress and achievements, He is a proud coach.

One bit of advice for a newbie….

Stick to your numbers and trust the process, because it is a process. This took me a long time to learn as I used to be a very fast runner, slowing down and changing my running style to suit longer distances was quite a challenge. However, this year in particular, I have seen huge gains where Zone 1 training is concerned, and I feel fitter for it.


 UPDATE: Rowena's Finishing Time - 14 Hrs 22 mins and 11 secs - PLUS she got a slot for the IM World Champs in Nice in 2024 - WOW - go girl!

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